
What kind of camera do you use?

For my birthday last year my dear sweet parents gave me the Nikon D3100, which is the camera I use to take all of the pictures on this blog. I love it! I only have the standard lens that originally comes with the camera, but over time I hope to increase my collection to include a few more lenses.

Do you take all of your own pictures?

I do take all of my own photos. I really know very little about photography and cameras, so I am probably not the person you want to ask for photo advice.  Nevertheless, I have loved trying to capture a decent photo of every dish and hope to learn more about my camera and photography in general with each season.

May I repost one of your recipes on my own blog?

Thank you for asking! In general, yes you may. Copyright laws state that an ingredient list may always be shared, although, the description and steps written to describe the recipe can be copyrighted.  In other words, you are welcome to use recipes I post on my blog, but please make sure to use your own description and link back to both my blog and the original source when possible. I will always do the same for you!

May I use one of your photos in my blog?

I am honored that you like my photos, because in reality I am quite the novice.  However, I would prefer that you did not use mine.  The photos I post I intend to be for this blog alone.  I encourage you to take your own pictures though, and don’t be afraid to move around and get close! The picture taking is half the fun of it.

May I pin one of your recipes to pinterest?

Absolutely! I would be flattered to know that you did. Make sure if you’re pinning a specific recipe that you are on that recipe’s page, not the home page. The home page will continue to change over time as I add update it with new recipes. A specific recipe page however, (which can be found by using the search bar, the categories drop down tab, or the recent posts list all on the right hand side of the screen) will remain constant. So Pin away!

How do I contact you if I have a specific question or further comment not addressed on this page?

Check out the contact page and feel free to leave me a note! It will send an email to me and I promise to get back to you as quickly as I can. I will always love to hear from you, so don’t be shy! You can also comment at the bottom of each page in the “Leave a Reply” box if you have an immediate reaction to a certain post. I will frequently check and respond to those as well.

What are some of your favorite food blogs? 

The internet is a wonderful and amazing thing that has provided me a great deal of inspiration in the kitchen. I definitely spend the majority of my time on the internet looking up different food blogs and reading new recipes. My most frequently referenced list is constantly changing and growing, but for now, these are a few blogs you should definitely check out!

2 thoughts on “Questions

  1. Sandy Linson says:

    Thai Quinoa Salad – Delicious. Wanted to let you know that the listed ingredients refer to Sesame Oil but the directions refer to Sesame Seeds, not oil. I believed this to be a typo and used sesame oil in the dressing.

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